We Delve into the World of Caffeine.

Unveiling the Buzz: Exploring Caffeine in Coffee.

March 27th, 2024 | Coffee Industry Insights & Trends

We often get asked about caffeine. How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee? Where else is caffeine found? What effect does caffeine have on your body?

We’re delving into the world of caffeine, exploring its presence in coffee, caffeine levels, diverse origins, and fascinating effects on the body.

The Buzz in Your Brew

For many, the caffeine content kickstarts a coffee lover’s daily routine. Did you know that the level of caffeine in your cup depends on various factors such as bean type, roast level, and brewing method?

Given coffee’s natural variability as a crop and the impact of the brewing method (coffee dose, grind, shot volume, water temp, extraction time, etc.) on caffeine extraction, the exact amount of caffeine can be identified only by analysis. Research on high-street coffee shops often identifies a wide caffeine range per serving (e.g., 50-300 mg), which is the result of variables such as shot volumes, blend, dose, grind, etc.

When synthetic caffeine is added to a food or drink, it must be listed as an ingredient on the product label. Caffeine naturally occurs in coffee and is not a nutrient, so there is no legal requirement to declare it. At Matthew Algie, we do not measure caffeine in coffee as this will depend greatly on the extraction method.

The Caffeinated Facts

1. We wholly support the Food Standards Agency’s long-standing recommended daily intake levels for consumers such as pregnant mothers in respect of caffeine consumption through soft drinks and other beverages, including coffee.

2. Coffee is often enjoyed because of caffeine, but options are available for those who prefer the taste without the caffeine.

3. Arabica vs. Robusta: Coffee is a natural agricultural crop, and the caffeine levels of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans vary. Did you know 100% Arabica blends naturally contain less caffeine than Robusta?

4. Cafés often offer customers a choice regarding the number of espresso “shots” in a drink, but as mentioned before, this doesn’t reference caffeine content as it depends on the blend and brewing method used.

Beyond the Mug: Surprising Sources of Caffeine

Chocolate: Beyond your favourite cup, caffeine hides in the cocoa beans that bring chocolate to life.

Energy Drinks and Soft Drinks: Caffeine is often the secret behind the jolt in energy drinks and many fizzy drinks.

Medicinal and Dietary Supplements: Adding a source of caffeine isn’t just confined to beverages and treats – it’s often used in over-the-counter medications, supplements, and skincare products.

The Body and Beyond: Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine is renowned for stimulating the central nervous system. It is often used as a morning wake-up call or energy source when you feel you most need it. Many coffee lovers experience the highs and lows of caffeine-induced energy levels, from increased physical performance to potential energy crashes. And if consumed later in the day, it can impact your sleep routine.

To Wrap Up

Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or simply curious about caffeine’s effects, we hope this short insight has piqued your curiosity about the world of caffeine.